144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

ART RongoĀ Collective

Sharlene Maoate-Davis
Ngāti Wehiwehi; Ngāti Toa Rangatira; Ngai Tahu; Taranaki Tuturu; Te Atiawa
Friday 28th of October, 2022

Following a career in hauora, social services & education, Sharlene has been self-employed as a Māori professional development consultant since 2002. Since 2012, Sharlene has had the honour and privilege of providing Rongoā Māori services based in Waikanae and then throughout the rohe. In 2017, she co-designed & taught Rongoā at Te Wananga o Aotearoa. In 2019, Sharlene, Hemaima and Pania established the Rongoā Collective of the A.R.T. Confederation to support, develop and mentor emergent Rongoā healers. Their Collective has over 30 active Rongoā practitioners who serve their own whanau, hapū and hapori.

Heke tuarangi. Heke tuanuku. He aka Taataraamoa noo roto i te whenua.   
Rongoā is intrinsically a traditional body of knowledge and practices that includes the domains between Ranginui and Papatuuaanuku. Sharlene, Hemaima & Pania will provide a practical session about how Maramataka informs and underpins their Rongoā practice, and the journey of revitalising a Rongoā Maramataka for their whānau, hapū and Iwi of the A.R.T. Confederation.

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