Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro,
nōna te ngahere.
Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga,
nōna te ao.
E te manu e hāro nei i te motu,
kei whea rā he taunga mōu?
Kei Te Wānanga o Raukawa!
Te hunga o ngā moemoeā.
Nau mai, piki mai, kake mai!
Te Wānanga o Raukawa offers a unique learning environment designed and delivered in a kaupapa and tikanga Māori framework.
We aim to produce outstanding graduates whose distinctive and multiple competencies are recognised and sought after. While demonstrating the ability to think, act and behave within a tikanga Māori context our graduates will also have academic and technical skills and qualifications that position them well for a range of employment and leadership opportunities. They will also offer capacity to contribute positively to the advancement and strengthening of whānau, hapū and iwi.
Amid the challenges brought by COVID-19 in the past couple of years, we remain committed to delivering your courses to you in the safety of your kāinga when and if required. With an already embedded blended learning model that delivers the majority of course components online, we are well placed to increase that if necessary or revert to face to face delivery if and when permitted.
As you work towards the completion of your qualification, engage online in Mūrau, our learning management system, and take advantage of the suite of Microsoft Office 365 tools available to all our students, in doing this, you are also building essential skills for the workplace, now and in the future.
We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals this year and wish you and your whānau a safe 2024.
Kia upoko pakaru te karawhiu! Nau mai ki tō tātou Wānanga.
Nā Mereana Selby, Tumuaki o Te Wānanga o Raukawa
http://www.wananga.com | 0800 WANANGA