144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

IT services

For help setting up your Office 365 account or resetting your password email tautoko@twor-otaki.ac.nz.

The IT team does not service student equipment. Our teams can offer advice if you are having issues with your computer or device. Please be aware that assistance is provided at your own risk.

New students obtain your temporary password through the Te Ara enrolment portal once you are fully enrolled you will receive and email with instructions and be directed back to Te Ara.

Ngā Tikanga o te Mahi Hanga Rau

The following rules apply to students using the IT student network, internet access, printing, computers, devices and equipment at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.

  • Be considerate. Ākonga IT areas are for course-related work and not facebook catch ups.
  • Keep the seats in our busy computer hubs free for people who are there to study.
  • Eat and drink away from Ākonga IT areas (bottled wai Māori only).
  • Downloading of movies, copyrighted material and playing of online games is discouraged as an expression of manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga to all users of Wānanga resources.
  • Do not share your usernames or passwords. If you feel your password has been compromised, please contact IT Service as soon as possible.

Let us know if there is an issue with any of the computer areas tautoko@twor-otaki.ac.nz.

Minimum Specification for Laptops

  • CU Processor - 2.33GHz
  • Screen Size - 13.3" preferable for video
  • 250GB Hard Drive
  • 8GB RAM
  • Webcam - integrated or separate
  • Speakers - Integrated or separate
  • Windows 10 Home
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Integrated a/b/g/n wireless
  • Internet connectivity
  • Macbooks must be updated to a newer version

Mobile Broadband Via:

  • T-stick - either prepaid or plan
  • SIM - either prepaid or plam
  • Home connection
  • A DSL broadband connection over phone line
  • The internet connection should be able to sustain video delivery


  • A small desktop printer
  • Online storage, for example, One Drive in Office 365
  • An external storage device for backup of assignments etc


Every student enrolled with Te Wānanga o Raukawa is provided with an Office 365 account to use for the duration of your study. This includes a student email address (yourname@student.twor.nz).  

Sign in to your Office 365 account at www.outlook.com. You must use your TWoR student email address and password to sign in, not your personal, work or other 365 email addresses. 

Signing in to your Office 365 account gives you immediate access to Mūrau, Te Ara (the enrolment portal) and the tools in Office 365. 

Office 365 has apps like Outlook for email, Word, Excel and PowerPoint to use while you're online. Or download the apps to your computer to work offline. 

If you need help with Office 365, your account details or to reset your password, contact tautoko@twor-otaki.ac.nz

Learn more about the tools and features in Office 365 by selecting the video links below. Explore the other links below the videos for more information. 

What is Outlook? 

What is Word? 

What is PowerPoint? 

What is OneDrive? 

What is Excel? 

Prepare your computer

Click here to help you along the way with "preparing your computer".

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