144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

support on campus/site


While you attend noho on campus or site, you are provided with all your meals. You are also welcome to bring snacks with you while you are here. Please make arrangements with your Kaikōkiri (administrator) if you have any special dietary needs ie. allergies etc for catering purposes.


Our Kaitiaki (security) staff are available to pick students up from the local Inter-City drop-off point on the Main Highway in Ōtaki.

If you require this service please contact you Kaikōkiri (administrator) to organise.


When you arrive on noho at the Ōtaki Campus you are required to register with Kaitiaki (security), pick up your linen and they will direct you to the accommodation.  Kaitiaki are onsite 24/7 if you require assistance.

Where can you find us?

We are located in the main administration block Te Moana a Raukawa, the first building from Tasman Road entrance, please look out for Kaitiaki signs.


For students attending their first noho, they will be welcomed in with pōwhiri. Please come prepared and dressed in the appropriate attire. This can be an overwhelming experience for some and we can assure you, you will not be alone. Please let your academic area know if you are bringing support.

Pōwhiri usually take place outside on the grass area of the building Ōtaki. Our tikanga for pōwhiri had been adapted while our nation had been traversing through Covid-19. Please check information on our Emergency Response page to stay updated.



Accommodation is in a marae style or open sleeping areas. Register with Kaitiaki (security) each time you come to noho. Linen is provided but please bring with you blankets, towels and personal or medical care items. Te Wānanga o Raukawa provide ensuite rooms for special circumstances i.e. sensitive and serious health issues.  Please make enquiries with your Kaikōkiri (administrator) at least two weeks prior to noho as rooms are limited and can book out fast. You may be asked to provide a medical certificate or other documentation.

Manukau and Te Tairāwhiti Sites

Accommodation while on residential seminar or noho is provided by nearby marae. Bring blankets or a sleeping bag and towels as well as any personal and medical care items. 

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