144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

te reo studies

Ko tōku reo tōku ohooho, ko tōku reo tōku mapihi maurea 

My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul 

  • Give expression to your voice in a variety of situations through developing your capability in mihimihi, karakia, waiata and kōrero. 
  •  You do not need to be a speaker of te reo to begin your journey with us. 
  • Learning occurs in a reo and tikanga Māori setting. Engagement in activities, events and experiences and with exposure to reo champions, will encourage normalising the use of reo in your life. 
  • Most qualifications from diploma level and above include te reo studies as part of your qualification.

Stand Alone Reo Qualifications

Te Wānanga o Raukawa offer two FREE (for NZ residents and citizens) certificate level courses – Poupou Huia Te Reo 1 (Certificate in Māori Protocol and Language for use in the Home), NZQA Level 4 and Poupou Huia Te Reo 2 (Certificate in Tikanga and Māori Language for the Home and Community - Intermediate-Advanced), NZQA Level 5. These are 20 week courses delivered fully online. 

At postgraduate level we offer the Poutāhū Reo Māori qualification.  This is a one-year level 7 programme, and is the first year of our master's qualification Tāhuhu Reo Māori.

The Reo Component of your Studies

All undergraduate courses include a te reo Māori component which is facilitated online removing the need to attend a face to face delivery (except for attending Hui Rumaki Reo). Learning is done through 'Mūrau' or Moodle, our online learning management platform and is suited to all learning styles with tutor assistance every step of the way. 

In order to successfully graduate from your chosen qualification you need to participate and complete at least 70 per cent of the online Mūrau component.  You are also required to complete tuhingaroa and attendance and participation at all scheduled Hui Rumaki Reo.   Assessments are a mixture of written assignments, activities and oral presentations all in te reo Māori, once again you will have tutor support every step of the way. 

Reo studies begin the first week of each huringa (semester) for 16 weeks. Students are required to complete their online work which will prepare you for Hui Rumaki Reo (HRR). 


Hui Rumaki Reo (HRR)

Our immersion hui (Hui Rumaki Reo) are a proven method to achieving language success. These are run two times a year in semester one and again in semester two, you will need to attend one each semester as part of your studies. 

The first HRR can be quite an overwhelming experience, but you will not be alone. You will begin this journey and every other HRR with a pōwhiri, please come dressed appropriately.  This is a great opportunity to start developing your listening skills and preparing for the transition to full immersion.  You will start with an introduction to the protocols and expectations and get to know your fellow students from across programmes before going into full immersion that evening. 

Everything you need to prepare for Hui Rumaki Reo is contained within the online environment and you will be given resources such as dictionaries, booklets and useful phrases to help you through this journey.  HRR may be delivered online through Microsoft Teams if we are unable to deliver in person.

NOTE:  Students of Heke/Poutuarongo Whakaakoranga will attend their own Hui Rumaki Reo, please contact your academic area for details.

Future Pathways

Future pathways for Graduates include kaiwhakaako i te reo Māori, private teacher, cultural advisor, broadcaster, lecturer, policy advisor, kaitohutohu i te reo Māori, kairangahau, kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa mahi, kaiwhakawhitiwhiti reo Māori, translator, reo revitalisation. 

List of Courses within the Te Reo Component:

  • REO101 Hui Rumaki Reo 1
  • REO102 Hui Rumaki Reo 2 
  • REO201 Hui Rumaki Reo 1 
  • REO202 Hui Rumaki Reo 2 
  • REO301 Hui Rumaki Reo 1 
  • REO302 Hui Rumaki Reo 2 
  • REO401 Te Whakatupu i Te Reo I/Te Reo o Ngā Niupepa Māori 
  • REO402 Te Reo Auaha
  • REO403 Te Tātari i Te Reo / Te Reo o ngā Tohunga Tuhi Kupu
  • REO404 Te Reo Ōpaki
  • REO405 Te Tū Marae – Karanga me te Whaikōrero
  • REO501 Te Haurapa: Kimihia, Rangahaua
  • REO502 Te Whakawhiti i Te Reo
  • REO503 Te Whakapūmau i Te Reo 
  • REO504 Te Tū Marae II/Karanga me te Whaikōrero 
  • TREO404 Te Reo Ōpaki

The reo component includes online attendance, participation and activities in Mūrau plus oral or written assessments and/or presentations.

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