144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA


course schedules

All courses have an online contingency so you can be assured of continuing your learning journey with us.

Each paper includes:

  1. Noho - Three- five days either face to face (on campus or site) and online via Microsoft Teams.
  2. Online course delivery and participation in Mūrau - pre and post noho.
  3. Tutorials - Two hours of non-compulsory one to one or small group sessions to assist you in your learning.
  4. All undergraduate Te Reo and, Iwi and Hapū studies are delivered over 12 weeks online via the Mūrau platform.
  5. Some qualifications may include practical workshops (Carving, Weaving, Pūtaiao, Kawa Oranga etc).
  6. Kura Tautoko (KT) is non compulsory. It is an opportunity for students to take time away from every day commitments, come onto campus or site and focus on study while having access to pūkenga and resources.  Wā Tautoko is offered when national restrictions are in place, this is up to two hours in person (if in an hours travelling distance) or online with relevant pūkenga.

Course Schedules

All course schedules were correct at the time of uploading, however for the most up to date schedules please contact the academic whare or check Mūrau. Please note some year's will not be offered.

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