144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

Enrolment information

He tohutohu mō te tono ki te whakauru ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa

  • How to apply to enrol at Te Wānanga o Raukawa

    1. Read through the information on this page.
    2. Choose your programme of study.
    3. If you have all the information you need and are ready to enrol, ka rawe! Click here to APPLY NOW and begin the application process.
    4. Remember to have your documention ready to upload (Birth or marriage certificate, passport, iwi and hapū support letter etc)  Documents can also be emailed to the Kaikōkiri of the academic whare or emailed to Te Tomonga.
    5. Contact Te Tomonga (Office of Enrolments) if you need assistance by calling 0800 WANANGA (926 2642) or 06 364 9011, or email tetomonga@twor-otaki.ac.nz.
    6. Please note: an application submitted does not automatically mean acceptance into a programme, suitability is determined after completing academic kōrero by the relevant academic whare. This could happen before or after your enrolment is confirmed and all documentation is received.
  • Evidence of identification

    Please supply a copy of your verified identification for the name you are enrolling under. We need to sight evidence of your name, date of birth and place of birth. A copy of your birth certificate or passport will provide this. We will accept a photo or scan of your identification as long as it is clear and the details are legible. You can upload your identification documents when enrolling online. 

    ID can be verified by a registered JP, the courts, police, a tumuaki or if in Ōtaki we have one on campus.

    If not New Zealand born, we need to see evidence of NZ residency or citizenship. If your name has changed from what is on your birth certificate or passport you will need to provide evidence of this, such as a marriage certificate.

    If you are a returning student (studied at Te Wānanga o Raukawa previously) we will already have your identification information. We will contact you if further identification is needed.

    If you are experiencing difficulty in obtaining a copy of your birth certificate or passport, please contact Ratonga Ākonga (Student Services) on 0800 WANANGA (0800 926 2642). We may be able to help.

  • Advice on full time study and credit

    If you are applying for a:

    • student allowance and/or living costs
    • scholarship
    • education grants
    • study awards

    you are required to be enrolled in a  full time programme of study which is 0.8 EFTS. If you receive credit for a component of the programme you could fall below 0.8 EFTS which may affect your eligibility.

  • Support for Iwi and Hapū Studies

    If you are enrolled in Iwi and Hapū Studies, either as a full time or part time student, you will require research assistance and support from someone else within your marae, hapū and iwi. When enrolling, you should seek support in writing from the person who will assist you with your studies in the Iwi and Hapū programme.  

    The letter can come from a marae committee member, kaumātua or whānau member involved in iwi/hapū affairs or anyone who is able to support you with your studies and has access to information.

  • Technology for study

    You will require a laptop or computer and a good internet connection for the duration of your study. 

    Your laptop or computer will need a camera and mic to participate in the online space. This is important as you will need to access your course materials, online activities, hui and communications for your programme.

I muri i tēnei ka aha?

What's next?

You may be contacted by an enrolment officer, kaikōkiri (administrator) or pūkenga (tutor) of your chosen specialisation if further information is required. Confirmation of your enrolment will be sent to you after your enrolment application has been processed.

Ngā rerekētanga ki ngā tikanga whakauru

  • Changes to enrolment

    Please advise Te Wānanga o Raukawa of any changes to the details you provide in the enrolment application.  Signing or accepting the declaration section of the enrolment application indicates your request to formally enrol in a course or courses at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. 

  • Withdrawing from a programme of study

    If you wish to formally withdraw from Te Wānanga o Raukawa, notice must be given in writing to Ratonga Ākonga (Student Services) ratonga.akonga@twor-otaki.ac.nz. The withdrawal will be actioned and noted in your academic record.

  • Effective withdrawal

    If you do not attend noho or classes, participate regularly in your online courses or pay fees it may be seen as an effective withdrawal and you may be withdrawn from the study programme.

Te utu me te whakahoki i ngā utunga

Payment or refunding of fees

  • Payment of fees

    Payment of all fees must be made within six weeks of confirmation of your enrolment.  We recommend that even if you are applying for scholarships you pay the fees in advance or contact student fees to arrange payment options.

  • Refund of fees

    A proportion of fees paid may be refunded in the event that you withdraw from all or part of the programme. Te Wānanga o Raukawa must receive the advice in writing within 28 days of the start date. Further information on refund of fees can be viewed under academic regulations.

Te Ōhākī

As part of our work towards our goal to assist our people to improved levels of wellness Te Wānanga o Raukawa provides a smokefree and vapefree study environment and aims to support students and staff who would like to stop smoking.

Te Ture mō te Whakapuaki me te Matatapu 2020

Disclosure and The Privacy Act 2020

Please read the following information before you accept or sign the declaration section of the enrolment application. Remember that Te Wānanga o Raukawa is happy to explain any part that you do not understand. Contact Te Tomonga on 0800 WANANGA (926 2642)  06-364 9011 or email if you have any queries.

  • Why does Te Wānanga o Raukawa need the information?

    The information you provide is required to enable Te Wānanga o Raukawa to comply with its purposes and functions under the Education Amendment Act 1990 to enrol you in a course of study.

  • How will Te Wānanga o Raukawa use the information?

    The information that you provide will be available to, and used by, Te Wānanga o Raukawa staff who are responsible for:

    • your enrolment and academic progress through Te Wānanga o Raukawa
    • calculating your tuition fees and other charges
    • establishing and maintaining your records
    • administering examinations and other forms of assessment
    • providing tuition, appropriate academic advice and support
    • providing student allowance and student loan services
    • providing student services, liaison services and learning development
    • upholding the guiding kaupapa
    • providing library, information technology and computer services to you
    • forwarding mail and messages for you which have been received by Te Wānanga o Raukawa
    • enabling access to your chosen course
    • publishing the graduation booklet
    • being in touch with your whānau/hapū/iwi

    Te Wānanga o Raukawa publishes a graduation booklet at each graduation ceremony. The information held by Te Wānanga o Raukawa may be included in that booklet.

  • Will Te Wānanga o Raukawa give the information to other agencies?

    Under certain statutes the following agencies can require Te Wānanga o Raukawa to provide information:

    • Ministry of Education
    • Tertiary Education Commission
    • StudyLink (part of Ministry of Social Development)
    • Work & Income New Zealand (part of Ministry of Social Development)
    • Inland Revenue Department
    • Ministry of Justice
    • Immigration New Zealand (part of Department of Labour)
    • New Zealand Police
    • National Student Index
    • New Zealand Birth Register
  • When you accept or sign the declaration, you give Te Wānanga o Raukawa authority to give information to the following agencies:

    • New Zealand Qualifications Authority
    • An agency which supports you through grants or scholarship awards or payment of fees
    • Other educational institutions
    • Researchers conducting academic research or research related to the welfare and wellbeing of students based on a sample of students (not including grades or students loan / allowances / income details)
    • Your secondary school / wharekura when you complete a qualification of Te Wānanga o Raukawa
    • The media to publish details of the completion of your course of study as approved by the Tumuaki
  • Can Te Wānanga o Raukawa collect information about me from other institutions?

    When you accept or sign the declaration on the enrolment form, you authorise Te Wānanga o Raukawa to confirm with another institution or agency details of your previous study and student loans and allowances entitlement.

    All other information will be collected directly from you unless it is publicly available or you give Te Wānanga o Raukawa authority to collect it.

  • What happens if I do not supply the requested enrolment information?

    If the information is not supplied, is incomplete or false, then Te Wānanga o Raukawa may decline or cancel your enrolment. If you do not authorise Te Wānanga o Raukawa to confirm your previous qualifications, Te Wānanga o Raukawa will not grant you credit for them.

  • Can I see or correct the information held about me?

    You need only request the information and Te Wānanga o Raukawa will make it available to you. You can also request Te Wānanga o Raukawa to change any information that you believe is incorrect. Each year while you are enrolled at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, you will be asked to update any information that has changed.

  • Commitment by Te Wānanga o Raukawa

    Te Wānanga o Raukawa undertakes to collect, update, use, store, disclose and exchange personal information only in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 2020, the Health Information Privacy Code 1993 (Temporary) and any other code of practice established under Section 46 of the Privacy Act 2020.

    If you have any questions please contact us.

  • Contact us

    Te Tomonga (Office of Enrolments)

    Te Wānanga o Raukawa

    PO Box 119, Ōtaki 5542

    Aotearoa, New Zealand

    144 Tasman Road

    Ōtaki 5512

    Aotearoa, New Zealand

    Te Tomonga is located in the Te Ara a Tāwhaki building at the Ōtaki campus.


    Freephone in Aotearoa, New Zealand 0800 WANANGA (0800 926 2642)

    Calls within Aotearoa, New Zealand: 06 364 9011

    International Calls: 64 6 364 9011

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