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A Kaupapa Māori Approach to Business

21 March 2024

Kapiti Island is one of New Zealand's oldest and most important nature reserves, and a place rich in human history. In 1999 John Barrett and his sister Amo founded Kapiti Island Nature Tours after seeing how much their own friends and whānau enjoyed visiting and exploring the island. The Barrett whānau take their responsibility as kaitiaki (guardians) seriously and are passionate about preserving its taonga (natural treasures) for generations to come.

We recently had a conversation with John (Ngāti Raukawa, Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira) who is co-founder of Kapiti Island Nature Tours about the unique qualities that graduates of Te Wānanga o Raukawa have brought to their employment on the island.

There are several current and past students of Te Wānanga o Raukawa working as guides on the island. Their roles include sharing the histories and pakiwaitara (storytelling) of the island; interpreting the many aspects of te taiao (environment) from both a Māori and pākehā viewpoint; and demonstrating manaakitanga (generosity), kaitiakitanga (stewardship) and rangatiratanga (leadership and integrity) in their interactions with visitors from across Aotearoa and around the world.

John says, “studying with the Wānanga has certainly given our students an edge.  They have a good understanding of tikanga Māori, a commitment to te reo Māori, an understanding of the values of the three iwi within our ART Confederation and understand the mana that Kapiti Island holds within the ART Confederation. We would love to develop more long term and career focussed opportunities for Wānanga graduates within our business and the wider tourism sector.  The students are great, the enthusiasm they show for their mahi is wonderful to see”.

Kapiti Island Nature Tours has a kaupapa Māori approach to business and John says, “graduates of Te Wānanga o Raukawa can demonstrate aspects of the kaupapa based learning they have experienced through their journey with the Wānanga which is visible in the way they think and act.”

As an employer John says, “in the future I would like us to develop opportunities for staff development and pathways both within the business and externally for students and graduates of Te Wānanga o Raukawa”.

Maxwell Barrett (Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto) is a graduate of Heke Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao and is currently a part-time guide working for Kapiti Island Nature Tours.  Maxwell says “I've learnt that instead of delivering five hard hitting facts or philosophies, I'm actually better off spending that time finding out what makes the person tick and delivering one well-placed unit of information, that they'll then run with. I appreciate now much more my mahi as an environmental educator, the role of the whānau on Kapiti Island, and not least the tangible impact our incredible pūkenga has made on me, as a legitimate means of healing the whenua. And that was just the first lesson”.

For more information on our Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao programme visit www.wananga.com

If you are interested in visiting Kapiti Island or would like further information, go to their website www.kapitiisland.com

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