144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA



Ki te Āpōpō - For our next generation | Rangatahi Expo

Date: 11 April 2025
When: 9.30am - 2.00pm
Venue: Te Wānanga o Raukawa, 41 Te Rauparaha Street, Ōtaki

A jam packed day to explore study options, interactive activities and access to a range of health and wellbeing information and career pathways, initiated and led by the desires of rangatahi for rangatahi, including: 

-Key Note Speakers


-A range of Expo Displays Trades, Training, Education and Health

Please see below for all the information you need to know about what to expect on the day!

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    For all locations, please refer to event map: tbc


    All buses to park at Rangiatea Church via Te Rauparaha Street, please follow signs.

    Parking for vans and cars is available on TWoR Campus via Te Rauparaha Street, please follow signs.

    Programme for the day:  

    9.00am - Kura arrival  

    9.30am - Karakia, whakatau  

    9.35am - Mihi from Tumuaki 

    9.50am - The day begins 

    *There will be a running sausage sizzle for part of the morning 

    12.30pm - Lunch 

    1.30pm - Last workshops 

    1.50pm - Karakia whakamutunga 

  • Meet our Rangatahi

    Te Raukura Rangatahi Leadership Rōpu is a whānau of rangatahi from Ōtaki who are all about making a change for our community and each other. We’re young leaders from Ōtaki College, Whakatupuranga Rua Mano, and Te Rito, connected through the five hapū of Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki. 

    Since we started in November 2023, we’ve been putting in the mahi to create projects and initiatives that speak to the needs of rangatahi, while also looking after our kaumātua and whānau.

     Our kaupapa is to lead by example, strengthen our culture, and support each other in making Ōtaki a better place. As a rōpu, we work together to empower ourselves and advocate for rangatahi voices to be heard. 

    It’s all about taking charge of our own future and bringing positive change to our community, with rangatahi at the heart of it all.

  • Kura Information

    To register your Kura for this event, please fill in this registration form.  

    If you have any question, contact us at whitihikokiteao@twor-otaki.ac.nz


    For more information please see our FAQs

    and Health and Safety Event Management Plan. 

  • Exhibitors Information

    Exhibitors set up times: Exhibitors are welcome to set up from Thursday 10 April, 1pm. If you are going to set up on the day of the exhibition, please arrive between 7:30am – 8:30am. This will allow you approx. 60 mins to set up if you are setting up on the day.  We will also have an exhibitors briefing at 8.30am sharp!  

    For more information please see FAQ or contact one of our listed event managers.  

    Please see below our current list of registered exhibitors, with more to be added! 

    If you are interested in being an exhibitor at this event, please register here. 

  • Te Kawa o te Ako

    Our practise as kaitiaki.

    Out of Whakatupuranga Rua Mano: Generation 2000 came the commitment expressed in the following principle:

    The marae is our principal home, maintain and respect.

    This has many implications for the way in which tangata whenua and manuhiri will act on marae. In tikanga Māori, an accepted practice, procedure or protocol is known as a 'kawa'. Each marae or wāhi Māori has its own kawa. The maintenance and adherence to the kawa is important to the tangata whenua of that place. To infringe on the kawa of a particular place demeans the home people. The tangata whenua will take steps to reaffirm their kawa. It may lead to a rebuke of the offending party right there and then, or the reaction may be delayed for maximum effect.

    All marae seek to uphold kawa and at Te Wānanga o Raukawa we enforce Te Kawa o te Ako. They are the practices, procedures and protocols which protect and maximise the  potential of students, staff and manuhiri of Te Wānanga o Raukawa. In particular, it aims to curb activity reducing the capacity to learn and teach.

    One dimension of Te Kawa o te Ako, is that those who feel they cannot abstain from using drugs and alcohol should stay away. Those who disregard Te Kawa o te Ako put themselves and their whānau at risk of being challenged by those who feel the need to uphold Te Kawa o te Ako. The timing of the challenge may be selected to achieve maximum impact on the person who has 'broken the kawa'.  

    For more information on our kaupapa, Te Ōhākī and more, please read here.

  • Who are we

    We are a collective of three organisations - Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki and Raukawa Whānau Ora.

    We are dedicated Māori service providers within the region, and together, we form a strong network committed to the upliftment and development of our wider hāpori.

  • Our Objectives

    The aim of this hui is to inform Rangatahi of the diverse opportunities' pathways into education, training or employment raising awareness of health and wellbeing using the Te Whare Tapa Whā model. 

    The event will be led by Rangatahi primarily for Rangatahi years 11-13 (but not limited to).

  • Sponsors

    More information to come

  MEET OUR SPEAKERS - More information to come

  Meet our organisations

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