This thesis was submitted in 2016, in fulfilment of the requirements for Te Kāurutanga. Te Kāurutanga is unique to Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Responsibility for Te Kāurutanga rests with Ngā Purutanga Mauri who select and guide candidates through the programme and who confer the degree on behalf of the three founding iwi of the Wānanga, Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Toa Rangatira.Like Moths to the Flame: A History of Ngāti Raukawa Resistance and Recovery explores the extent to which the unique qualities of Ngāti Raukawa thought have survived the encounter with European ideas. It argues that preservation of a distinctive Ngāti Raukawa intellectual tradition is crucial to the long term survival of Ngāti Raukawa as a people.
Released: 2017