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Single sign-on making it easier for both staff and students

Staff and students of Te Wānanga o Raukawa will soon be transitioning to 'single sign-on' making it easier for access to Mūrau (moodle) and Office 365, including all the applications available within the Microsoft Ofice suite.

Students need to be actively using their Microsoft Office 365 account to take advantage of this. Directions are in the attached document and all students have access to Microsoft Office 365 which is invaluable in completing their studies. 

They can also download the range of programmes on their devices while they are studying as well as having the ability to access web versions.

Students will only notice a change when they visit Mūrau if they are NOT already using their Office 365 credentials and will automatically be directed to Office 365 to log in. Once logged in they will automatically be redirected back to their Mūrau dashboard.

The biggest advantage of having a single sign-on is that students and staff now only need to remember the one username and password making life in the digital space just a little bit easier.

Students can prepare by ensuring they have their Office 365 credentials.

For support contact:

If you require assistance with your Office 365 account/login details or logging on to Te Ara, please contact tautoko@twor-otaki.ac.nz.  

If you are having issues in Mūrau, please get in touch with our Mūrau Support team. Their email address is murausupport@twor-otaki.ac.nz.

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