Whakatupu Mātauranga supports Te Wānanga o Raukawa to reclaim, preserve and contribute to the mātauranga continuum. This includes developing skills to grow and share mātauranga, using those skills in projects to expand our understanding, and sharing knowledge through publishing and hui.
“Mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge that seeks to explain phenomena by drawing on concepts handed from one generation of Māori to another. Accordingly, mātauranga Māori has no beginning and is without end. It is constantly being enhanced and refined. Each passing generation of Māori make their own contribution to mātauranga Māori. The theory, or collection of theories, with associated values and practices, has accumulated mai i te Ao Māori/ from Māori beginnings and will continue to accumulate providing the whakapapa of mātauranga Māori is unbroken.”