Above are some of Tania's weaving
Tania Popata
Ngāti Kahu
Student of Heke Toi Whakarākai - Diploma in Design and Art
7 August 2024
Tania Popata is a first-year weaving student with the Whare Pora at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
Tania’s partner is Richard Taupo, and her daughter is Ariana Popata. Her parents Norm and Judi Popata live in Tokerau. Her grandparents are no longer with us. On her father’s side are Waiwharangi and Jim Popata. They are both Ngāti Kahu. On her mother’s side are Lloyd and Marie Edwards who have English and Irish ancestry. She has a brother who lives in Auckland, and a sister who has passed on.
Tania grew up in Auckland and spent some time in Onewhero. She attended James Cook High School in Manurewa and has also lived in London, Dublin and Brisbane.
With a teaching degree, Tania has been teaching for 10 years. This year she is on sabbatical. She hopes to take the skills she is learning at Te Wānanga o Raukawa back to her kura to share with her students and other teachers.
Studies take up much of Tania’s time, however she highly recommends the course to others. She has been able to have a “study buddy” which has been helpful. Her niece is enrolled in one of the teaching programmes, and they attended one of the hui rumaki reo together. They were able to support each other and enjoy the hui together. Tania is enjoying her studies, both online and face-to-face noho.
Initially coming to Te Wānanga o Raukawa to do the diploma, Tania now would like to carry on to the degree. So, she will be discussing with her employer how she can achieve this. She loves weaving and feels it is great for her wairua.
Tania wearing the kakahu she created this year
For those who are contemplating studies, Tania’s advice is to choose the right path for you, and it will set you up to want to learn more and to have good study habits.
Mauri mahi, mauri ora
If you would like to know more about study options at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, go to Our Courses (wananga.com)