144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

poutuarongo reo māori

bachelor of te reo māori

Ko te reo te kūaha ki te ao Māori - Te reo is the doorway to understanding the world of our tūpuna. Te reo Māori is also the means to express our unique place in the universe. If your desire is to speak, understand and become an exponent of te reo Māori, this qualification will get you there with its proven methods for intensive, accelerated language learning.

Fostering competency alongside a love and respect for te reo Māori is a key aspiration for Poutuarongo Reo Māori students at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. The first year of this degree (Heke Reo Māori) focuses on developing confidence in speaking, listening and understanding the language as well as introducing key Māori concepts and values. You will attend immersion classes Monday to Friday with a number of residential seminars (noho) throughout the year to provide context and depth to the learnings. 

You will need to enrol and complete the first year of the Heke Reo Māori before enrolling in years two and three of the Poutuarongo Reo degree. 

In years two and three, students continue to expand their kete of vocabulary, grammar, waiata, karakia and understanding of kawa and tikanga. Studies include research on your own iwi, hapū and marae so you can stand confidently knowing who you are. On completion of this tohu you will have attained a high level of proficiency in the language, be confident to converse in te reo Māori and gained competency in mihimihi, whai kaupapa, karakia and waiata. 

As a graduate you will be well positioned to enter post-graduate level studies in te reo Māori, or undertake further study towards a range of careers including teaching, broadcasting, research and policy development. Having fluency of te reo Māori is a key factor that will set you apart from others competing in the same work space. All students are encouraged to speak their iwi dialect. 

Classes are held at the Ōtaki campus Monday to Thursday 9am - 3pm.

Note: This course is taught in te reo Māori.


You will also study two papers in Iwi and Hapū studies to compliment your learning each year, these are often the most rewarding part of study for the majority of our students as they gain a deep connection back to their roots. Your Iwi and Hapū papers will be online with excellent tutor support to help you through, week by week activities. The assignments that you complete will become a taonga and resource for your whānau, marae, iwi and will be treasured for years to come.

Iwi and Hapū studies begin in the first week of the academic year, so you can begin your studies before your first specialisation noho. You will also get the opportunity to meet your reo and iwi and hapū pūkenga during your first noho on campus.






3 years


NZQA Level 7


Residential seminars, self directed learning



Te Reo Māori

Next Intake:

17 Feb - 26 Oct 2025

Tuition Fees:

$10, 757.17 (approximately)

Total cost for the full 3 year course.

Entry Requirements:

Minimum age of 17 years. Regular internet access, email address and computer or laptop with a working mic and camera are required. Successful completion of the Heke Reo qualification.

bachelor of te reo māori

Bachelor of Teaching

Request Information


Year One
  • Course of Study
  • Iwi and Hapū
    • IWI101 Private Study of One Marae
    • IWI102 Private Study of Iwi History
Year Two
Year Three



Please contact your course administrator (Irenibelle Bernard ext 759) for details.

After Graduation

Ka puta te ihu
  • Journalist
  • Television and Radio Presenters
  • Tutor / Lecturer
  • Teacher
  • Kaiāwhina / Advisor
  • Māori Language Resource Developers
  • Te Reo Māori Editors and Content Writers
  • Senior Māori Advisors and Language Policy Analysts
  • Researcher

why te wānanga o raukawa

Distinctively Māori

Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a unique centre for higher learning and development, dedicated to the dissemination of Māori knowledge.


Higher Level Māori Learning

With a strong wish to see Māori achieving at the highest levels of education, Te Wānanga o Raukawa has positioned itself to cater specifically to higher level undergraduate, graduate and post graduate Māori students.


Pioneering Māori Education

Te Wānanga o Raukawa was established in 1981 as the first contemporary wānanga of Aotearoa, pioneering the application of kaupapa, tikanga, kawa to the advancement of Māori within a contemporary education context.

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