Our qualifications are aimed at developing and nurturing our people's sense of identity as Māori while giving our people the necessary knowledge and skills of a particular industry, advantaging you in the Aotearoa workforce and beyond. See through a Māori world view as you learn to integrate Māori knowledge into all aspects of your life.
Organisations will benefit by having administrators grounded in Māori values with studies in Toko Mana, Māori and administration or for anyone with an existing degree incorporate kaupapa Māori into your business practices with postgraduate studies in Whakahaere (Management). For anyone looking to begin degree or postgraduate studies in Māori Laws and Philosophy check out our Ahunga Tikanga qualifications and reconnect back to ngā atua learning the relevance of tikanga in today’s world.
These qualifications can be thought of as a triple major with 50 percent of the qualification focusing on the specialisation and the other half divided evenly between te reo Māori and iwi and hapū studies.
Learn more by clicking on the qualification below and apply online to begin or excel your journey towards a career in the Business, Management and legal sector!
Study with Te Wānanga o Raukawa: