144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

POUTĀHŪ whakahaere


Take a step up on the corporate ladder as you integrate tikanga Māori, reo, iwi and hapū studies into your knowledge of management as you plan, lead, organise and control business affairs through a Māori world view.

This qualification is ideal if you are seeking to advance your corporate career or give your organisation the edge by integrating kaupapa and tikanga Māori inside your business processes. 

You’ll learn the importance of a value-based approach to running a business or organisation including the influence of kaupapa Māori on organisational culture, the legal environment and human resources. Learn about strategic analysis, operations and project management that will ensure you are well equipped to effectively manage within a business context or allow you to effectively assist with iwi and hapū affairs.

This is the first year to the Tāhuhu Whakahaere, Master’s qualification; completion of this tohu will prepare you for the second and final year. For anyone already holding a degree qualification with a sound level of te reo Māori, this qualification will assist you in progressing your career. If you are looking for another tool to your business kete, this qualification is a great place to start!


Over the year, you will complete papers towards your Te Reo component attending noho on campus (or online as a contingency). This will prepare you for written and oral assessments and add to your kete in the whakahaere space! You will be guided every step of the way with tutor support.

You will also study papers in Iwi and Hapū studies to compliment your learning, these are often the most rewarding part of study for the majority of our students as they gain a deep connection back to their roots. Your Iwi and Hapū papers will require research, writing and critically analysis of two prescribed kaupapa and you will have excellent tutor support to help you through. The assignments that you complete will become a taonga and resource for your whānau, marae, iwi and will be treasured for years to come.

Online components begin in the first week of the academic year, so you can begin your studies before your first specialisation noho. You will also get the opportunity to meet your reo and iwi and hapū pūkenga during your first noho on campus.






1 year


NZQA Level 8


Residential seminars, self directed learning



Bilingual (Māori/English)

Next Intake:

17 Feb - 26 Oct 2025

Tuition Fees:

 $3,760.92 (approximately)

Entry Requirements:

Minimum age of 17 years. A level of proficiency in te reo Māori required. Support from a hapū/iwi to conduct research. Must hold an undergraduate degree or have appropriate knowledge and experience to study at postgraduate level. Regular internet access, email address and computer, laptop, tablet or other suitable mobile device is required.


Year One
  • Course of Study

    • TWha401 Pae Tāwhiti, Ngā Pae Tata Whakamaua kia Tina: The Integration of Learning 15 credits
    • TWha402 Mana Rautaki: Strategic Analysis, Operations and Project Management 15 credits
    • TWha403 Mana Tangata: Paihere Tangata and The Legal Environment 15 credits
    • TWha404 Mana Kaupapa: Operations and Project Management 15 credits
  • Iwi and Hapū

    • HAPŪ401 Ko ngā Kaumātua: He Kura Te Tangata 
    • HAPŪ402 Ko te Marae te Kāinga Matua
  • Te Reo Māori

    • REO401 Te Whakatupu i Te Reo I/Te Reo o Ngā Niupepa Māori
    • REO405 Te Tū Marae – Karanga me te Whaikōrero



Please contact Te Whare Kōkiri for more information.

After Graduation

Ka puta te ihu
  • Middle or senior management roles
  • Business owner/operator
  • Marketing or communications advisor
  • Chief executive officer
  • Human resource manager
  • Business advisor
  • Policy analyst

why te wānanga o raukawa

Distinctively Māori

Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a unique centre for higher learning and development, dedicated to the dissemination of Māori knowledge.


Higher Level Māori Learning

With a strong wish to see Māori achieving at the highest levels of education, Te Wānanga o Raukawa has positioned itself to cater specifically to higher level undergraduate, graduate and post graduate Māori students.


Pioneering Māori Education

Te Wānanga o Raukawa was established in 1981 as the first contemporary wānanga of Aotearoa, pioneering the application of kaupapa, tikanga, kawa to the advancement of Māori within a contemporary education context.

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