Kiri kawa ki te kupu, kiri kawa ki te riri, kiri kawa ki te rākau - Skillful orator, adept warrior, an ever ready defender. Become a confident kaikōrero as you develop your reo and enhance your capability both as an art form and mode of communication, in a variety of situations.
Whaikōrero is both an art form and mode of communication. As an art form, whaikōrero should exhibit te ihi (wonder), te kaha (power), te huatau (elegance), and te wana (the thrill) that Māori performing arts in general achieve and cause the audience to react in wehi (excitement) and ranga wairua (inspiration).
As a mode of communication, whaikōrero uses poetry, proverb, incantation, metaphor, imagery and symbolism to give gravity and formality to occasions of significance upon which the mana of the two parties of the marae encounter rests. It has its origins in a Māori belief system.
The aim of the course is to enhance your capability in whaikōrero, both as an art form and mode of communication in various situations. This will be achieved by adding to your kete kōrero in the various sections of whaikōrero and through instruction in the use of voice, stance, rākau and other delivery methods.
Poupou Tū Whaikōrero is offered as a course for groups at marae and those in kaupapa Māori based environments, however to support our tāne this qualification is also available for study from the Ōtaki campus and will be delivered online.
Hapū may wish to consider running the Poupou Tū Whaikōrero alongside the Poupou Karanga at their marae. The recommended group size is 30 or more participants from either course, or a combination of participants from both courses.
Enquire today, call 0800 WANANGA (0800 926 2642) or email
18 weeks
NZQA Level 5
Online or in cohorts from your marae
Campus delivery will be online in 2025
Talk to us about delivering your own group cohort from your marae, Kura or workplace. Min of 30 applies.
Bilingual (Māori/English)
Next Intake:
1 March 2025
Tuition Fees:
Fees FREE for NZ citizens and permanent residents
Entry Requirements:
Minimum age of 17 years. Regular internet access, email address and computer or laptop with a working mic and camera are required.
A sound knowledge of Te Reo Māori is not required but beneficial.
Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a unique centre for higher learning and development, dedicated to the dissemination of Māori knowledge.
With a strong wish to see Māori achieving at the highest levels of education, Te Wānanga o Raukawa has positioned itself to cater specifically to higher level undergraduate, graduate and post graduate Māori students.
Te Wānanga o Raukawa was established in 1981 as the first contemporary wānanga of Aotearoa, pioneering the application of kaupapa, tikanga, kawa to the advancement of Māori within a contemporary education context.