144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

GP Services Now Open on Campus!

GP Services Now Open on Campus!

13 June 2024

As an expression of wairuatanga, Te Wānanga o Raukawa (TWoR) are pleased to partner with Ōtaki Medical Centre (OMC) to provide a free wellbeing service for TWoR staff and students, each Thursday beginning 13 June 2024, from our Ōtaki Campus.


Located near student accommodation, room 7 of the Wairau building, the service includes general health checks, triaging and medical service support and should not replace an existing registered doctor’s service.


Doctor in resident and Heke Reo graduate, Dr Hanneke Lewthwaite with administration support from Serena Parker are available via a booked or walk in service from 9am - 3pm on Thursdays.


This service is available for students attending noho or those unable to, or uncomfortable visiting their own GP service. Come and have a kōrero about your hauora needs, including:


  • Asthma and respiratory
  • Diabetes
  • Wāhine and Tāne specific issues
  • Cardiovascular health and risk assessment
  • Emergency triaging


If you are displaying cold or flu symptoms, please remember to wear a mask when visiting, mauri tū, mauri ora!


To book an appointment please email, call or text:


Serena Parker

Email: sparker@otakimedical.co.nz

Mobile: 027 634 6184


Image features from left: Derene Houpapa (Admin Manager, OMC), Dr Hanneke Lewthwaite and Serena Parker.

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