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TeachNZ scholarships 2020

Applications for round 2 close on 24th January 2020.

TeachNZ scholarships support you on your journey towards being a kaiako in Aotearoa. They can cover the cost of your course fees and pay you an allowance throughout the duration of your study.

If you are enrolled in or wanting to enrol in the following Te Wānanga o Raukawa tohu, you may be eligible to apply for the TeachNZ scholarships:

What's available?

The table below outlines the scholarships available this year – they cover early learning, primary, secondary and immersion settings.
*Please note Te Waka Whakarei and Te Tipu Whakarito support all sectors from early learning to secondary.

What if I've missed the closing date?

If you miss this application round, or are unsuccessful, you still have the opportunity to apply across two more rounds:

You can apply for multiple scholarships, but can only be granted one. Part-time options are available.

Find out which scholarship can support you on your path to being a great teacher and apply online, or by post, now. Applications for round 2 close on 24th January 2020.

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