144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

Courses for the Māori creative

Are you hands on and love creating? Pursue the arts of our tūpuna and learn the traditional creative techniques of whakairo and raranga. Available at diploma and bachelors level.   Noho starts March 12.

Whakairo (Carving)

If you have ever stood in the middle of a meeting house and stared intently at the carvings contained within, are hands-on and love creating, then put your hands to the chisel and begin your creative career pursuing the arts of our tūpuna with this one year diploma in carving.

You will be introduced to the skills and knowledge handed down through generations of tūpuna Maōri relating to Hineraukatauri, Mataora, Tū-mata-uenga and Rongo-mā-Tāne. You will learn pūrākau, the origins, design and creation of tāonga pūoro, kōwhaiwhai, whakairo rākau as well as tikanga and workshop practises.

This very practical hands-on diploma is the first year of the degree, Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai (Whakairo) and combined with Iwi and Hapū Studies will allow you to flourish as an artist within the growing contemporary indigenous art movement.


Raranga (Weaving)

Experience the benefit of art and creativity in a uniquely kaupapa Māori environment and become a proponent for taonga toi within your whānau, hapū and iwi.

This one year diploma introduces you to traditional concepts in design and practise. You will develop an understanding of traditional design – its components and the world it was born in.

The world of natural materials, their collection and preparation is explored through the medium of woven taonga. The techniques of tāniko, whatu and raranga are employed to create indigenous fashion and other woven art forms. Iwi, hapū and reo studies will enrich your learning and appreciation for taonga held by your whānau hapū and iwi.

This tohu is perfect if you are seeking to stimulate your inherent creative self both in the visual and language arenas. This diploma is the first year of study toward the three year degree programme.

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