144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

poutāhū whakaakoranga akorau

postgraduate diploma in blended teaching and learning

(Pre-service, Māori Medium, Primary)

The Poutāhū Whakaakoranga Akorau is a one-year Postgraduate Diploma offered to anyone currently holding an existing degree in any field. This tohu is an excellent choice if you have fluency of te reo and want to begin a career in teaching. Enhance your skills by implementing kaupapa Māori based blending learning options through technology (ICT) in the classroom.

This qualification will prepare you for a Māori immersion or bilingual classroom environment. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills across a range of curriculum areas, drawing on kaupapa tuku iho and applying this to a classroom setting. With two 8-week practicums throughout the year, you will be well prepared to enter the classroom. 

As a graduate of this qualification you will have developed the necessary knowledge and skills to plan, organise, lead and validate a kaupapa Māori information technology learning space, and be well sought after for those skills. The inclusion of iwi, hapū and reo studies will add value to and enhance your personal teaching and professional philosophy on this tohu.

Successful graduates of this qualification will meet the Teaching Council of Aotearoa, New Zealand 'Ngā Tikanga Matatika, Ngā Paerewa | Our Code, Our Standards', and be eligible to enter into the profession, becoming a registered teacher with a full practicing certificate.

TeachNZ have scholarships that support this teaching qualification. See their website for more details https://www.teachnz.govt.nz/scholarships

Expressions of Interest (EOI) and selection interviews for the 2024 year will occur between August and the end of the second week of December 2023.

Please email completed documentation. Download the Poutāhū Whakaakoranga Akorau expression of interest handbook below to learn more.

Download EOI Handbook


Over the year, you will complete weekly tutorials and activities in Te Reo via our online space, Mūrau. These not only prepare you to attend two five-day long hui rumaki reo on campus each semester; but will further enhance your education journey as you learn the value and mana our language holds in the teaching space. You will be guided every step of the way with tutor support.

You will also study two papers in Iwi and Hapū studies to compliment your learning, these are often the most rewarding part of study for the majority of our students as they gain a deep connection back to their roots. Your Iwi and Hapū papers will be online with excellent tutor support to help you through, week by week activities. The assignments that you complete will become a taonga and resource for your whānau, marae, iwi and will be treasured for years to come. You are encouraged to complete your iwi and hapū studies through the eyes of an educator and use them to create meaningful taonga for future generations.

Te Reo and Iwi and Hapū studies begin in the first week of the academic year, so you can begin your studies before your first specialisation noho. You will also get the opportunity to meet your reo and iwi and hapū pūkenga during your first noho on campus.






1 year


NZQA Level 8


Residential seminars, self directed learning and online delivery



Bilingual (Māori/English)

Next Intake:

27 Jan - 21 Nov 2025

Tuition Fees:

 $3,772.67 (approximately)

Entry Requirements:

Minimum age of 20 years. Life experience, maturity and/or those who are already placed or volunteering in Kura will be at an advantage. Holders of an existing bachelor degree or higher. Intermediate to advanced level of te reo Māori and ICT.

You will be police vetted, and attend a selection interview where you will complete a numeracy and literacy assessment. For more information on entry requirements see appendix one of the academic regulations.


Year One
  • Course of Study
  • Iwi and Hapū
    • TIH404 Ko Te Hapū: Whāia te tino rangatiratanga 10 credits
  • Te Reo Māori



Please contact the academic area for more information.

After Graduation

Ka puta te ihu
  • Specialised Subject Area Teacher
  • Kaiwhakaako Māori
  • Primary School Teacher
  • Secondary School Teacher

why te wānanga o raukawa

Distinctively Māori

Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a unique centre for higher learning and development, dedicated to the dissemination of Māori knowledge.


Higher Level Māori Learning

With a strong wish to see Māori achieving at the highest levels of education, Te Wānanga o Raukawa has positioned itself to cater specifically to higher level undergraduate, graduate and post graduate Māori students.


Pioneering Māori Education

Te Wānanga o Raukawa was established in 1981 as the first contemporary wānanga of Aotearoa, pioneering the application of kaupapa, tikanga, kawa to the advancement of Māori within a contemporary education context.

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