Te Tākupu is the publishing area of Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Te Tākupu strives to uphold and promote the aspiration statements of Te Wānanga o Raukawa:
E kore au e ngaro he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea.
Kia rangatira te tū a Te Wānanga o Raukawa hei whare ako, whakatupu hoki i te mātauranga
Te Tākupu’s main task is to publish works based in kaupapa and tikanga Māori. Te Tākupu will contribute to the expression of our guiding kaupapa through promoting, publishing and sharing mātauranga.
If you are wanting to place an order, please order via Shopify: https://tetakupu.wananga.com/
For any queries please email tetakupu@twor-otaki.ac.nz
“So now, this thinker, this gifted communicator, this provocateur, this great role model, this gentleman, this Rangatira is no longer with us. But let’s not dwell on that. He has left us with a pathway to follow, work to do. And the way to best honour him is to take up the challenges, do the mahi and let the stories be told.” (Patricia Grace)
In this collection of writings, some of Moana Jackson’s friends, whānau and colleagues share recollections of the man they knew and reflect on his many contributions to whānau, hapū, iwi, Aotearoa and the world.
Price: $25
*Contributors: Dean Hapeta, Deirdre Nehua, Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Takawai Murphy, Patricia Grace, Robin Peace, Caren Fox, Jane Kelsey, Te Huia Bill Hamilton, Rikirangi Gage, Sharon Venne, Debra Harry, Glenn Morris, David Williams, Janice Wenn, Jessica Hutchings, Helen Potter, Karlo Mila, Kim McBreen, Max Harris, Mengzhu Fu, Veronica Tawhai, Tina Ngata, Julia Whaipooti, Ngawai McGregor, Anne Waapu, Carwyn Jones, Papaarangi Reid, Juan Tauri, Leonie Pihama, Ani Mikaere, Moana Maniapoto, John Minto.