144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

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Te Tātaritanga: Personal Transformation Plans. A pilot project to support learner success at Te Wānanga o Raukawa

Does setting goals have a positive effect on learner success?

This is the question we will be testing when we pilot a project that designs, implements and trials an advisory service for ākonga (students) to develop goals and track them through their learning journey with Te Wānanga o Raukawa (TWoR).

Why are we doing this?

We want to understand how to help support ākonga through their learning journey and improve their chance of success. This project tests the ways we can provide this support.

What does this involve?

If you are a successful applicant, you be asked to participate in one of three offerings:

1. Working one-on-one with a dedicated kaihāpai (advisor)

2. Working with any kaihāpai from a pool

3. Using a self-service, web-based application

What is the time commitment needed?

Participating ākonga will be asked to commit 1 to 2 hours every fortnight.

This time will be set aside to review, track and update your goals either face to face with your advisor or via the tool, depending on the trial approach you have been selected for.

You will also be asked to participate in surveys and provide some feedback.

What’s in it for you?

You get support in setting and tracking your learning goals. If our thinking is correct, this will give you a better, more successful learning experience at TWoR.

We are looking for ākonga (new and returning) to participate in this pilot in the first semester of 2021

Interested? Please click the link provided below to register your interest. Have a question? Email us at ptp@twor-otaki.ac.nz.

Te Tātaritanga
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