144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

‘The Power in Our Truth’, a Conference Inspired by the Work of Moana Jackson.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ‘The Power in Our Truth’, a Conference Inspired by the Work of Moana Jackson. 

‘The Power in Our Truth’ is a conference inspired by the work of Moana Jackson, being held on Friday 30th June to Saturday 1 July at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki. Participants will have the option to attend online or in person.

The conference is being held to recognise the contribution made by Moana Jackson in addressing injustice in the colonial state of New Zealand, with two key strands focussed on constitutional transformation and criminal justice. Discussion will be inspired by the scholarship that Moana was instrumental in developing, including Matike Mai Aotearoa and He Whaipaanga Hou.

Presenters include Carwyn Jones, Anne Waapu, Ngawai McGregor, Ani Mikaere and Veronica Tawhai.

During the conference ‘The Power in Our Truth, The Truth in Our Power’ will be launched. This book contains a collection of writings by friends, whānau and colleagues of Moana, sharing their recollections of the many contributions he made over the years.

The conference is co-hosted by Pou Tikanga (National Iwi Chairs’ Forum) and Te Wānanga o Raukawa, with support from the Michael & Suzanne Borrin Foundation and JR McKenzie Trust.  It is intended to bring together practitioners, policymakers, activists, academics and community members who are committed to the ideas that Moana articulated so effectively. Workshops will be held in person and online for participants to explore and encourage action in progressing the scholarly and practical impact of Moana’s work, and to develop ideas for implementing his vision of a more just society.

Online registrations are now open. To register or view the conference programme including a list of presenters visit www.wananga.com/the-power-in-our-truth.


For more information or an interview contact:


 Te Reo

Safari Hynes

National Iwi Chairs’ Forum Rangatahi Representative

E. safarihynes@gmail.com

P. 027 555 4337

Huia Winiata

Pou Akoranga, Te Wānanga o Raukawa

E. huia.winiata@twor-otaki.ac.nz

P. 06 364 9011


Te Huia Bill Hamilton

National Iwi Chairs’ Forum Representative

E. treatyeducation@gmail.com

P. 022 653 2144

Carwyn Jones

Pūkenga Matua, Ahunga Tikanga, Te Wānanga o Raukawa

E. carwyn.jones@twor-otaki.ac.nz

P. 06 364 9011 or 021 665 287

The National Iwi Chairs Forum: Share information and work collaboratively on key priorities of iwi within the National Iwi Chairs Forum; and advocate the collective priorities of the iwi within the National Iwi Chairs Forum in discussions with others, recognising the rangatiratanga (independence) of iwi. Visit www.iwichairs.maori.nz to learn more.

Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a unique centre for higher learning and development, dedicated to the dissemination of Māori knowledge. More than just educating our people, we wish to produce outstanding and sought after graduates who are Māori in the way they think, act and behave while also having the technical skills and qualifications they need to grow, inspire and uplift their whānau, hapū and iwi. All qualifications at diploma level and above include te reo studies and iwi and hapū research alongside their specialisation. Visit www.wananga.com to learn more.

Proudly supported by The J R McKenzie Trust, a philanthropic family trust that has been grant making in Aotearoa New Zealand since 1940. Known for funding groups and initiatives that often struggle to get grants elsewhere, we distribute allocated funds through a variety of approaches and mechanisms to organisations that align with our vision of a socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. Visit https://www.jrmckenzie.org.nz/ to learn more.

The Michael and Suzanne Borrin Foundation supports legal research, education and scholarship that contributes to the Foundation's vision of an Aotearoa New Zealand where everyone understands the role and value of the law, and everyone enjoys the protection and opportunity that it provides. Visit https://www.borrinfoundation.nz to learn more.

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